Tham khảo Họ_Sếu

  1. Wessling B. (2003): Acoustic individual monitoring over several years (mainly Common Crane and Whooping Crane) (English article)
  2. Hayes M.A. (2005): Divorce and extra-pair paternity as alternative mating strategies in monogamous sandhill cranes. MS thesis, University of South Dakota, Vermilion, S.D.. 86 p. PDF fulltext at the International Crane Foundation's Library Lưu trữ 2006-09-28 tại Wayback Machine
  3. Archibald, George W. (1991). Forshaw, Joseph (biên tập). Encyclopaedia of Animals: Birds. London: Merehurst Press. tr. 95–96. ISBN 1-85391-186-0.
  4. Clements, J. F. 2007. The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World, 6th Edition. Cornell University Press. Downloadable from Cornell Lab of Ornithology
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